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About The Board 

A small flame was lit decades ago and now blazes throughout the entire world inspiring new technology, inventions, innovations never before thought possible and is now inviting you to rethink everything you've learned your entire life.

The Board offers a promise of freedom, change, truth, justice, values, morals, integrity, abundance, prosperity and awakens the reader to a deeper level of understanding intellectually and even spiritually that once traveled through this transformative learning portal, it's very difficult if not impossible to go back. 


Never before taught in schools or anywhere for that matter but rather intentionally being hidden from you to lower your vibration, keep you stressed out, worried and even less intelligent. We sure wish this weren't true in the world in which we live but unfortunately it does exist and must be exterminated and dealt with accordingly; hence, The Board.

The Board is an organically distributed publication;  therefore,  no advertising  is allowed with the exception of "blind" advertising / word-of-mouth   (Private-by-Invitation-Only).

We use NO Bar Codes,  NO Bookstores,  NO Fancy Distribution, NO ISBN, etc.  We rely on YOU our Affiliate to effectively sell our products and services more efficiently through Network Marketing, the ultimate form of distribution.  We prefer to pay our Affiliates the marketing budget as opposed to big corporations such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, PR companies, etc.  

Qualify to receive 80% Board / Round Table and 100% Progressive Board Payments in each respective Board / Round Table by selling a minimum of two (2) products or services (or "Pay-it-Forward").  There is no cost  required to  become an Affiliate of The Board Foundation; however, Affiliates that do not purchase a product or service receive NON-Board / NON-Round Table Direct Sales Commission starting at 10% according to personal and group sales volume.

Board Apprentice -   Registration complete.  Advance by making two (2) qualifying sales as described above

Board Member - Qualified to receive Board payments.  Advance by progressing to Board Four (4)

Board Master -   Highest degree of achievement

You  must  have  a  referrer; otherwise, you will be placed into a Foster File until a referrer is located on your behalf.

All products and services sold are retail sales until proper registering and qualifying as described herein.

Lesson Plan

Understanding The Board




  1. The Board Compensation Basics

  2. How The Board's Work

  3. General Board Laws & Guidelines

  4. Maximizing The Boards Potential 


Tip: Think about people helping people and how you will INSPIRE others around you in positive ways.  The Board is a highly coordinated teamwork system that benefits everyone equally.  Timing and effort are the only variable factors differentiating each team member.  Everyone gets paid the same


The Board Compensation Basics

Each Board is comprised of SEVEN (7) sales, of which YOUR sale is the #1 Board Position.  Sales #2 and #3 are your personal sales or “Pay-it-Forward” positions.  This is the LIMIT to the amount of sales that can be placed in your First Level referrals.  The same limit applies to each 2nd and 3rd sale.  Once this occurs, for a total of seven (7) sales, the Board is completed (see illustration below). 

How The Board's Work 

The concept of a Board  is revolutionary.  Graduating progressively to an entirely different Board is a historical first in Network Marketing.  The Board is a combination of direct sales and network marketing.  The Board is NOT multi-level marketing (MLM), nor is it a pyramid  or ponzi scheme of any kind.  Direct sales is a one (1) or two (2) tier/level structure while Multi-Level Marketing is anything reaching the third (3rd) level and beyond.  Network marketing is a general term that refers to selling any product or service by word of mouth or by otherwise unconventional methods or means.  

You follow your referrer  through each Board  or  Progressive Board;  therefore, everyone you refer will follow you from Board to Board or Round Table to Round Table.

It's possible to enter a  Board  before your  referrer  which would place you under their referrer and so on.  

It's possible to have retail sales in all Book and Consulting Boards where no actual Affiliate is in the position but rather occupied by a sale.  These sales perpetuate Board to Board / Table to Table and are essential to the success of our business model. Not everyone will sell our book or consulting services but rather just read and/or use; however, the potential to activate / register the sale into an Affiliate Apprenticeship remains valid and not retroactive.  


General Board Laws & Guidelines 

Additional sales beyond your initial two (2) are considered “extras” and are placed into your current Board #1's first available position regardless of which Board you have achieved / currently advanced to.  Once personal sales progress through the First Board, they will follow you back into the First Board perpetually and progressively into the  next  Board,  etc.

One (1) Board Affiliation is allowed per person in each Board (4 Boards available through retail book sales and 2 additional Boards and 1 Round Table available through retail consulting sales).  There are a total of seven (7) different ways to get paid with The Board Foundation and its proprietary Affiliate Program. 

The privacy of each Affiliate is protected to the highest degree.  We will not sell, rent, use in any way, shape or form, your name or contact information nor Board Placement details to any third party or internal party.  Your privacy is our number one priority and we take it very seriously.  


Maximizing The Boards Potential   

80% Payout on First Board.  100% Payout on all Progressive Board's (2, 3, 4).  72 USD of every 89.95 USD book sale is paid back to our Board Affiliates.  The remaining 20% of each sale is allocated for business operating expenses and production costs.  100 USD payment(s) for Boards one (1), two (2) and three (3) perpetually.  1000 USD payment(s) for the First Board Four (4) then doubles (Matches 100%) each Progressive Board Four (4) thereafter perpetually.

Yes, this simple book could be your answer to a successful career, a change of life, a new beginning...

Board Affiliates have the opportunity to earn excellent money and make a difference in people's lives at the same time.  We  welcome  you  to  the  silent  revolution,  and wish you the very best of success.

⚠️ Board Payments displayed are for illustrative purposes only and paid only to Qualified Board Affiliates.  Your results may vary. We cannot guarantee any financial results of any kind whatsoever. 

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